Commercial Collections




"I highly recommend CRF Solutions and believe Penhall Company's Risk Management Objective in regards to the NTO process has been greatly enhanced by our partnership with CRF!!"

- Penhall Company

Small Claims Court

Legal RemediesEven in a good economy, the cost of suing your customers for money they owe you can be very expensive due to the filing fees and the attorney fees involved. In addition, the legal process can be, and usually is, very time consuming and can seem to go on forever. These reasons lead most Creditors and Collection Agencies across this country to write off millions of dollars of debt because the individual balances owed are not large enough to warrant the cost of legal action. You can believe that most of your customers are aware of this and use this knowledge when they decide on which invoices to pay.

An option that you should consider for these types of customers is Small Claims Court. Judgments are obtained much faster then standard legal accounts at a fraction of the cost. Disputes are resolved inexpensively and quickly and the rules are simple. The hearing is informal and the judgment is just as enforceable as any Municipal or Superior Court judgment. Best of all, in most States lawyers are not allowed. That fact alone explains why things move so much faster in Small Claims Court.

From the first day we opened our doors in 1991, CRFSolutions has offered this alternative to all of our Clients, and the results have been significant. To date, we have administered thousands of Small Claims cases on behalf of our Clients which have enabled CRFSolutions to collect money that other agencies would have given up on. Eighteen years later, we are still the only collection agency in the country that offers this truly unique service and we can administer Small Claims actions for you in any State where it is available.

Let us show you what Small Claims can do for you!!

For additional information on Small Claims Court, click on the links below to view or download any or all of the CRFSolutions Small Claims Newsletters.

Small Claims Issue 1 Small Claims Issue 2 Small Claims Issue 3